Botanical Name
Millettia laurentii
Other Names
Congo (ex-Zaire)
Sapwood Colour
Pale yellow or gray distinct from heartwood
Heartwood Colour
Dark brown to black with fine black/white lines
Fairly straight
Medium to coarse
Common Uses
Flooring, stairs, interior carpentry turnery.
Physical Properties at MC 12%
Density | kg/m3 | 865 |
Specific gravity | – | 1 |
Hardness | N | 10600 |
Bending Strength | N/mm2 | 155.0 |
Stiffness | N/mm2 | 17000 |
Radial shrinkage | % | 3 |
Tangential shrinkage | % | 6 |
Working Properties
Stability | xx | Bending | x |
Machining | xxx | Screwing | xx |
Gluing | x | Painting | x |
Sanding | xx | Staining | x |
xxxx = excellent
xxx = good
xx = fair
x = not good