Yellow Poplar
Botanical Name
Liriodendron tulipifera
Other Names
American tulipwood, Poplar, Tulip poplar
Eastern USA
Sapwood Colour
Whitish or creamy
Heartwood Colour
Pale-olive to brown, or clear yellow to greenish brown, sometimes blue coloured streakes or shades of purple, dark green, blue and black
Fine and even
Common Uses
Furniture, mouldings, interior joinery, kitchen cabinets, doors, panelling, turning, carving
Physical Properties at MC 12%
Density | kg/m3 | 465 |
Specific gravity | – | 0.38 |
Hardness | N | 205 |
Bending Strength | N/mm2 | 65 |
Stiffness | N/mm2 | 11000 |
Radial shrinkage | % | 3 |
Tangential shrinkage | % | 7 |
Working Properties
Stability | xxx | Bending | xx |
Machining | xxx | Screwing | xx |
Gluing | xxxx | Painting | xxx |
Sanding | x | Staining | xxx |
xxxx = excellent
xxx = good
xx = fair
x = not good