
Botanical Name
Juglans nigra
Other Names
Black walnut
Central USA
Sapwood Colour
Creamy white
Heartwood Colour
Light brown to dark brown and dark streaks
Usually straight occasionally wavy or irregular
Uniform but coarse
Common Uses
Furniture, cabinetry, interior decoration, doors, flooring, panelling
Physical Properties at MC 12%
Density | kg/m3 | 641 |
Specific gravity | – | 0.55 |
Hardness | N | 4492 |
Bending Strength | N/mm2 | 105.2 |
Stiffness | N/mm2 | 11800 |
Radial shrinkage | % | 4 |
Tangential shrinkage | % | 7 |
Working Properties
Stability | xxx | Bending | xx |
Machining | xxx | Screwing | xxx |
Gluing | xxx | Painting | xxx |
Sanding | xxx | Staining | xxxx |
xxxx = excellent
xxx = good
xx = fair
x = not good