
Botanical Name
Fraxinus americana
Other Names
Northern ash, Southern ash, White ash
North America
Sapwood Colour
Narrow sapwood nearly white
Heartwood Colour
Pale brown, grayish brown, light brown or pale yellow streaked with brown
Bold, straight, moderately open with occasional wavy pattern. Flat sawn boards usually have a strong contrast in grain
Normally coarse textured
Common Uses
Furniture, flooring, doors, achitectural interiors, high class interior joinery, moulding, kitchen cabinets, panelling, tool handles, sports goods, turning, veneer
Physical Properties at MC 12%
Density | kg/m3 | 670 |
Specific gravity | – | 0.62 |
Hardness | N | 5990 |
Bending Strength | N/mm2 | 105.8 |
Stiffness | N/mm2 | 12000 |
Radial shrinkage | % | 4 |
Tangential shrinkage | % | 7 |
Working Properties
Stability | xxxx | Bending | xxx |
Machining | xxxx | Screwing | xxx |
Gluing | xxx | Painting | xxx |
Sanding | xx | Staining | xxx |
xxxx = excellent
xxx = good
xx = fair
x = not good